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Friday, 2 September 2005
The Tooth Fairy Forgot to Come!!!
Topic: Grandchildren
Yesterday morning I had my nose deep in a book for about an hour before I had breakfast! Then I wanted to have a shower and wash my hair but first I needed to check my emails and possibly publish that draft Blog entry I had written the night before. There was an email from my daughter, sent early that morning, subject, "Can you help?!!". We were going to see the grandchildren after lunch so, what had happened? Apparently, little Stephanie's tooth had come out the day before and, guess what — the Tooth Fairy had forgotten to come and collect it! Needless to say poor Stephanie had been very disappointed.

Grandma was rather busy for an hour or so. Showered and dressed at last, I sat down with my husband for a quick lunch and we set off for the six-mile journey to my daughter's house (I made sure I was driving more sedately this time!). When we arrived, Stephanie was very excited and proudly showed us her new big gap. We were 'truly shocked' to learn that the Tooth Fairy had forgotten to come the night before but, Stephanie added jumping up and down, "At lunchtime, I discovered that the Tooth Fairy had just been and she left me a pound coin instead of the usual fifty pence!". She added, "I knew she had been straight away because my pillow had moved and.. I thought I saw a flash of light going out the window! AND, Grandma and Grandpa, I received a 'Sorry' email from the Tooth Fairy!" She was so excited about it and could hardly contain herself telling us what the Tooth Fairy had said.

Apparently, there had been a terrible wind on the other side of the world and two of the Tooth Fairy's helpers got blown away - all the way to the top of the world where the polar bears live! Stephanie said that the Tooth Fairy and her friends had looked for two days before they found them. And that a very kind bear had been keeping them warm in his fur as they were so tired they couldn't fly home. The Tooth Fairy had said she was 'soooo sorry' she hadn't been able to finish her tooth collections the night before. Stephanie added breathlessly, "She explained that she was working lots and lots of.. umm.. overtime to catch up and that the Fairy Queen had given her extra money so that she could pay DOUBLE for all the lovely teeth she was late in collecting!". Stephanie looked so happy, "I really believe in the Tooth Fairy and I love her so much.", she said.

It seems that Grandma can't compete with the Tooth Fairy! But Grandma and Grandpa smiled very contentedly at each other.

Posted by Noviomagus at 17:26 BST Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink

Tuesday, 19 July 2005
"The Lion King"
Topic: Grandchildren
Some of the cast of the Lion KingOur grandchildren, Stephanie and Elliot, have been very busy for some time rehearsing all the songs for their summer term school play. So, this afternoon, it was off to Aldingbourne County Primary School to watch them performing in the production of "The Lion King". Every child from the Infant School had a part and the staff did a really fantastic job with all the make-up; it must have taken all morning to 'do' all the faces! As usual, all the children with speaking parts were exceptionally good - there are some budding actors there - and not one mistake! Stephanie, who had the main role in the Christmas play, had to be content this time with being one of the pack of 'hyenas' and Elliot, who also had a speaking role in the Christmas play, was one of the 'giraffes'.

Elliot in 'The Lion King'Despite arriving over 25 minutes early, all the seats on the aisle were taken. So, rather than sit somewhere in the middle, I went to the back where I could stand up without blocking the view when I wanted to take some pictures. Well, if you don't stand up, all you can see is a sea of heads even though the stage is slightly raised. It definitely wasn't the best vantage point as the flash on my camera wasn't powerful enough from that distance and all my pictures came out rather dark! Oh, well, there is a tool called Paint Shop Pro - trouble is, I am not a 'pro' when it comes to using it! Still this picture of Elliot hasn't turned out too bad after adjusting the brightness a little. He certainly looks as if he is enjoying himself. Sorry, Stephanie - the one of you is really, really dark!

Posted by Noviomagus at 23:01 BST Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink

Saturday, 5 March 2005
Mr Snowman!
Topic: Grandchildren

Hello, Mr SnowmanMy son, who lives in London, emailed me this lovely photograph of Andrew meeting Mr Snowman in their back garden a few days ago! Andrew, who is fourteen months old, seems to be very interested in Mr Snowman's nose! I bet he was thinking, "Ah, I like carrots!"

The picture reminded me of this silly verse:

Let It Snow

I made myself a snowball,
As perfect as could be,
I thought I'd keep it as a pet,
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas,
And a pillow for its head,
Then last night it ran away,
But first - it wet the bed.

I wonder what Andrew thought of the snow? They seem to have had quite a lot in London. Down in our part of the world, we have seen a few snow flakes but, apart from an 'icing crust' on top of the car one day last week, nothing has settled for more than an hour or so!

Posted by Noviomagus at 13:02 GMT Post Comment | Permalink

Wednesday, 9 February 2005
That Tooth Fairy Again
Topic: Grandchildren
a fairy

Poor Elliot! My daughter and the twins all went to see the Dentist on Monday for their check-ups. Monday evening, I received a fancy email missive from my daughter cataloguing Elliot's toothy problems. She explained that, Paul, (the Dentist) had been worried about one of Elliot's new teeth, which wasn't coming through properly. He took an x-ray and discovered that Elliot had a supernumerary tooth which was blocking the proper tooth from coming through. Paul said that it needed to come out as soon as possible and that Elliot would have to come back in a couple of weeks or go to the hospital. At this point, Elliot spoke up and said that he wanted Paul to do it - so Paul gave him the option of coming back or doing it there and then. Courageous little Elliot (he is six and a half) opted for NOW. He was very, very brave and had to suffer two injections - one in the roof of his mouth, which made him yell out. Out came the tooth after a bit of a struggle! At bedtime, the tooth, safely in a special Tooth Fairy envelope, was put by Elliot's bed for the Tooth Fairy to collect. Apparently, Paul had also given him 50p in another tooth fairy envelope for being so plucky!

Elliot's Bravery Award

I thought that all this bravery deserved something special! So, Tuesday morning, I put on my Tooth Fairy crown (pun, intended!), found some lovely clipart at and got to work. Phew! Not very good at making email stationery. Had two attempts at stripping two different stationeries and putting my backgrounds and pictures in before I got more or less what I wanted. Took me ages but the Bravery Shield had a nice `blur' effect, which I was pleased with. Funny, when you write HTML on a web page, you put <br /> for a line return. On stationery, it seems you have to put <div> &nbsp;</div> or it doesn't work. (divs force a line return and &nbsp; is a space). Finally sent the email off mid afternoon

Telephoned Elliot later on to find out how he was and if his gum was still sore. He told me the Tooth Fairy had left him ONE POUND for his tooth! He also said he had dribbled some blood onto his pillow during the night but he didn't seem to be upset about his experience or put off from going to the dentist. He even thought to ask me if I had got my tooth fixed after my filling came out last Thursday. "Love you - see you on Thursday" - bless his little soul.

Much later in the evening, I received a reply to the Tooth Fairy:

Dear Tooth Fairy, thank you for the letter. The dentist took a photo of my mouth and saw that there was a tooth in the way so he pulled it out. One of the injections hurt lots. Thank you for my bravery award. Thank you for my #1. Love from Elliotxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well, as usual, this Tooth Fairy is up very late but feeling very contented. I am so lucky to have such lovely grandchildren!

Posted by Noviomagus at 01:42 GMT Post Comment | Permalink

Tuesday, 18 January 2005
Learning From Your Grandchilden
Topic: Grandchildren
Did you make any New Year resolutions? I have been feeling very guilty ever since Thursday, 6th January, when my six and a half-year-old twin grandchildren told me their resolutions. Stephanie said she had made two: to eat her meals nicely and not to `strop' so much! I certainly noticed the difference when she ate her supper up quickly - no playing with the food and letting it get cold. Elliot said he had made two resolutions as well: not to keep crying out when he was in bed and to eat all his vegetables! "Have you made any New Year Resolutions, Grandpa and Grandma?" Well, no, actually we hadn't. "Mummy has made two New Year resolutions, too!", he said. Does being a Senior Citizen absolve you from making resolutions? No, of course not! I am far from perfect. I have lots of bad habits I should be doing something about.

Last Friday evening; I finished the packet of chocolate biscuits I have been eating with my evening drink before I go to bed. I have turned into a secret biscuit eater! Sometimes, I even eat some with my afternoon coffee. Always, when my husband isn't looking - although I suspect he guesses! He comes shopping with me and must notice the biscuit packet falling into the trolley. Does that tell you something? Well, yes, I have been putting on weight steadily for some time. Too much to eat and not enough exercise. I see myself in the long mirror at the bottom of the stairs in my daughter's house. Ugghh! I look awful. My tummy is very obvious and I have a layer of fat just about everywhere. I can remember some years ago seeing a fat person in the street and saying to my husband, "I hope I don't become like that person!" Well, if I haven`t quite, I am well on the way!

So, time to do something. From last Saturday, I have resolved not to eat any more biscuits in secret with my afternoon and evening drinks. Well, it is a small start but at least it is something positive. Thank you, Stephanie and Elliot, for your good examples.

Posted by Noviomagus at 12:45 GMT Post Comment | Permalink

Wednesday, 5 January 2005
Andrew's First Birthday
Topic: Grandchildren
What's this new toy?I can't believe that a whole year has passed since Andrew was born on 1st January 2004! I wonder if he will remember his first Christmas Day and his first Birthday? Andrew actually had two "birthdays", one on Saturday for his Mummy's side of the family and one on Sunday for our side of the family. This worked well as my son realised after the Christening in October that his house was really much too small to have all the relatives around together. We would have been restricted to a buffet meal instead of a lovely roast dinner and, at this time of the year, it is much too cold to spill out into the garden.

Well, I must say that I am amazed at Andrew's steady progress! I know I am a biased Grandparent, but he has been walking since he was ten months old and I don't think it will be long before he is talking. He already communicates very well by pointing at things and trying to say 'that' and claps his hands when he is pleased about something. He has been drinking from his cup since he was about 6 months old and can feed himself even if he is a bit messy! Shelley is a trained Nursery School Assistant and spends a lot of time helping him and encouraging him, so perhaps that is why he is doing so well. He loved tearing the wrapping paper off his presents and he recognises anything to do with Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore. Not surprising because my son spent ages decorating the nursery a year ago and lovingly drew and painted these characters on the wall opposite Andrew's cot.

Stephanie with her favourite UnclePoor David looked exhausted at the end of the day. Shelley is also suffering from chronic tiredness as Andrew still wakes up in the early hours so David helps as much as he can. He did a lot of the cooking with Shelley, loaded up the dishwasher and emptied it twice, washed up the glasses and saucepans, made the coffee and entertained his nephew and niece by rolling on the floor with them and tossing them up to the ceiling! I got tired just watching! He was also up until the early hours on Friday evening/Saturday morning finishing Andrew's birthday cake, beautifully decorated with a big picture of Tigger's face! (Are you reading this, you Husbands and Dads out there?) When David was about 16, I showed him how to sew on a button, boil an egg, peel potatoes and cook a simple meal. It paid off when he left university and lived in a rented room for a while. He bought a combination microwave/convection cooker and cooked all his meals. He even tried his hand at making lemon meringue pie!

Thankfully, I saw my son-in-law, Adrian, taking lots of photographs. I shall look forward to seeing them when the film is developed as my digital ones aren't very good! I always seem to do something silly like accidentally moving the camera setting (usually on auto) and getting blurred pictures because the shutter speed is too slow! Then I had to use David's electricity to finish charging the camera when we arrived as I discovered in the morning that I had managed to leave it switched on and the battery had drained! It seems that 'Geri' is my middle name (Geri Atric!)

Posted by Noviomagus at 18:11 GMT Post Comment | Permalink

Thursday, 16 December 2004
"The Snow Queen"
Now Playing: Little Children
Topic: Grandchildren
Elliot and StephanieLast Monday afternoon we went to Aldingbourne County Primary School to see our grandchildren performing in the Infants' School play, "The Snow Queen". Stephanie had the star role as she was Gerda and Elliot played Gerda's brother, Kay. My daughter, Sarah, saved us some seats but the hall was already filling up when she arrived so we were back a little. She had made an effort to get there early but then so had everyone else!

All of the children had a part in the play, and they were all obviously enjoying themselves hugely performing for all the parents and grandparents who had come to see them! The teachers must have had to put in so much work to get everyone ready and all the children were absolutely fantastic. It was really heartwarming to watch. The costumes were superb, too - I particularly liked the little 'flowers'!

I thought the twins were incredibly good and my husband got a big tear in his eye (which rolled down his cheek) listening to Stephanie singing - he was so proud of her. Stephanie didn't falter with any of her lines and sang several songs all by herself. I certainly could never have done that when I was six years old!

I tried to take some photographs and Sarah tried to video the whole play but there were two rather large Dads in the two rows in front so it was a little difficult! Never mind. There were two more performances on Tuesday, one at 2pm (when my son-in-law, Adrian, took another video!) and one at 6pm. So my daughter and I went again to the evening show. Decided I would go really, really early this time and save her a seat! You guessed it..... so had lots of other doting mums, dads, grandpas and grandmas. Still, I did manage to get a seat on the aisle, so I had a much better view.

Stephanie had a little mishap - I saw her trip on the steps on the stage just when she was supposed to speak to the 'king' and 'queen'. She sat down for a moment and then carried on as if nothing had happened. I was a bit worried in case she had hurt herself. But, at the end of the play, the Headmistress asked her to stand up and told us that Stephanie had lost her shoe when she tripped and had stopped to put it back on and then had carried on like a real little trooper without batting an eyelid! Everyone applauded her and she looked really pleased.

There is something so uplifting watching little children putting on a show and seeing little faces light up when they spot you in the audience.

Posted by Noviomagus at 01:00 GMT Post Comment | Permalink

Sunday, 24 October 2004
Andrew's Christening
Topic: Grandchildren
Andrew with his proud parents just after his christeningWell, the last week seems to have gone by in a flash! Sunday, 17th October, was a very special day for little Andrew and all the family when he was Christened at the Church of St Clements with St Peter. He seemed to be very interested in everything that was going on (especially the candles) and was very well behaved indeed. Everyone went back to my son's house for a buffet lunch. I was pleased that the Chocolate Cheesecake I brought seemed to go down very well with everyone - I had been a bit worried that it wouldn't arrive in one piece after our long drive up. Afterwards, it was fun watching the little children playing a form of musical envelopes. David was in charge of the music and tried hard to let each child get his or her chance to open an envelope - which wasn't easy as they were passing them around too quickly! I think one little person got more goes than she should have had! Then the grown-ups joined in with a whispering game - you had to pass a message round and then listen to what the last person heard. This reminded me of a story my father used to tell which he said happened during the war before messages could be sent by radio so, probably the Crimean War or the First World War. The Commander at the front sent a message back by runners to tell his superiors that "I am going to advance. Please send reinforcements". This was passed on several times before a young lad arrived at HQ saying that the Commander says, "I am going to a dance, please send three and fourpence". I know - you've probably all heard it before.

Posted by Noviomagus at 00:01 BST Post Comment | Permalink

Thursday, 9 September 2004
Stephanie's Gap
Topic: Grandchildren
Stephanie showing her new gap where her tooth came outStephanie asked me to take a photograph of her showing where her tooth came out! You might just see the gap. It is strange that Elliot lost his upper left tooth and Stephanie has lost her lower right tooth. She also has some new molars, which have come through rather early, I think. Both the children seem to be very happy to be back at school and they are always very keen to read their school books to us! They are doing very well and we are very proud of them.

Posted by Noviomagus at 00:01 BST Post Comment | Permalink

Thursday, 2 September 2004
Another Visit from the Tooth Fairy!
Topic: Grandchildren
a cartoon picture of a happy tooth
My daughter sent me an email last night and told me that Stephanie's loose tooth had finally come out. So, last night/this morning (past 2 am - time flies when you are engrossed in something!) I worked very hard on another email from the Tooth Fairy! Found a very nice picture (which I nicked, again - well, only using it for one email!). Addressed it to both the twins. It would have been fun to see them receiving their emails this afternoon but, as my son-in-law has been unwell and his workplace told him to stay home one more day, we are missing our weekly visit. Anyway, here are their replies received this evening:

Stephanie's Reply
Dear Tooth Fairy. This is Stephanie. Please can you tell me what you look like - is that you in the picture and is that me sleeping? Thank you for the money and thank you for the e-mail. How do you know what name we are or did we tell you in our other e-mail? I love your music, it is nice and pretty and I like your wings in the picture.

I thought it was going to be in there forever and it wouldn't come out but I couldn't eat any apples and I like apples and one time I went to McDonalds and once I saw a chocolate donut but then Mummy said you can have a packet of fruit with grapes or the donut and I said 'can I have the fruit and grapes'.

Where do I have to look to see the tooth?

Grandpa tried to get my tooth out but I wobbled it too much and it hurt and then when I ate one of my crisps it came loose and I said to Daddy 'my tooth needs to get out' then he tried to get it out with his quite big fingers and Elliot said 'try and get it out with a tissue' and then I got a tissue for Daddy and he tried the tissue and he got it out. Daddy got a cup with some water and he poured some salt in it and I had to swish it round my mouth and it tasted really really HORRRRRRRIBBBLE.

I have to go now as Elliot wants to say something and I know you are very busyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Elliot's Reply
Hello Elliot here. How are you? Thank you for my money when you came that Thursday. How much teeth have you got in the sky? Did you see our cat when you came? How do you sneak in without us seeing and how do you shut the door quietly when we are asleep? Is Stephanie's tooth better because she eats more fruit and vegetables and because she eats tomatoes. One day I ate a whole apple. Today we made some lego. What do you make. How much money do you have and how much money do you give us for our back teeth? Where is your computer or don't you have a computer?

I'll see you next time tooth fairy. I hope you e-mail back. I need to go to school tomorrow and I'm in year 2. I hope you have some nice sleep - do you sleep in the day? Now I need to go. I love you tooth fairy. Where is fairy land? Elliotxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Been busy doing yet another reply! I think I have a job for life here. Mustn't forget to change my Outlook Express properties back to my name instead of 'Tooth Fairy'!

Posted by Noviomagus at 00:01 BST Post Comment | Permalink

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