Tessa's Tête-à-Tête — Profile

Name:  Tessa Steer

E-mail:  tessa at noviomagus dot fsnet dot co dot uk

Location:  Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Birthday:  27 December, 1941

Bio:  Married thirty-nine years to John. Two children, Sarah and David. Three grandchildren, twins, Stephanie and Elliot (Sarah's children born 21st July 1998), and Andrew (David's son born 1st January 2004).

Interests:  My website and writing HTML - yes, I love handcoding. Probably not very good at it! My grandchildren - three super little people. Jazz music. My husband, of course! Watching Star Trek, Stargate, Enterprise, Andromeda programmes! Also, natural history and archaeology documentaries. (Not necessarily in that order).

Blog Created:  Sunday, 14 November 2004

Last Updated:  Tuesday, 20 September 2005 - 18:36 BST

Blog Entries:  217

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