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Monday, 1 August 2005
Surgical Pre-Assessment
Topic: Health Issues
It was just after twenty to nine this morning when I set off this morning for my 10 am appointment at the Surgical Pre-Assessment Clinic at Worthing Hospital. A clear run from Chichester with no traffic hold-ups so, of course, I arrived in the hospital car park at twenty past nine, forty minutes early! As I had missed breakfast, I briefly considered getting a cup of coffee but decided not to in case I might need the loo at an inconvenient moment! That is always a worry for me as I have a bit of a problem with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and my letter had said to "allow 3 hours for this visit". Settled in the waiting area at half-past nine with my crossword puzzle book - a good way to take my mind off things. Especially as there was a TV fixed on the wall showing one of those awful talk shows - thank goodness the volume was low! Nine forty-five, my name is called; just as well I was early then!

The nurse went through the form I had filled in with details of current medication and medical history whilst she took my blood pressure. Then round the corner to be weighed and measured before going in to see another nurse. She asked me to sign a 'Disclaimer' advising me not to bring valuables into the hospital and then I had to lie on the couch for an electrocardiogram (an electrical recording of the heart used in the investigation of heart disease). All normal she said. Back to the waiting area for another few minutes before I was called in another room to see a young doctor. She listened to my chest and back, told me to take deep breaths and pronounced everything fine. It's good to know I am still alive! She noted that I had had anaesthetics before as I had had a tonsillectomy when I was about three-years-old. She looked amazed when I said that I had had Chloroform! (I never needed that operation! My parents had it done as a precaution because one of my much older sisters had had to have hers removed at nineteen and had a very bad time).

The doctor gave me an information sheet about my admission and reminded me that I have to ring the ward before I leave home on the day of the operation to check that a bed is still available! I asked her if I would be able to drive immediately afterwards as I was planning to drive myself in on the day (I have to check in at 07:30 am) and then drive myself home the next day. She thought it would be okay but advised me to have a back-up plan just in case! And that was that - all over by a quarter to eleven.

Made my usual beeline for the hospital refreshment area for a coffee and, 'oh goodie, they have some' - a jam doughnut! I love jam doughnuts and that was probably the first one I have had this year (although I did have an iced doughnut last time I was in the hospital).

Will speak to my daughter about possible 'back-up' transport after my discharge. She had offered to drive me in but that would have meant her leaving home around six in the morning to come and collect me, drive to Worthing and then drive back to her office in Littlehampton. The only problem I can foresee is will I be able to use the seat belt? Must raise the car seat a bit, I think.

Posted by Noviomagus at 18:20 BST Post Comment | View Comments (2) | Permalink

Sunday, 7 August 2005 - 00:19 BST

Name: Joanna

Chin up. It's going to be annoying, outrageous, and it shouldn't happen... but it will be OK...and when it's over, you'll know that you did what you had to do in order to see your grandchildren grow up and make you a great-grandma. Lay in a supply of donuts so that the night before, you can have a little donut orgy...taking on necessary fuel, so to speak. My family laugh at me but I'm a devotee of high-calorie baked goods on stressful occasions. Example: years ago at time for the law school admission test, my friends took extra courses, crammed, studied, worried. Avoiding all that wasted effort, I, instead, went to the bakery and bought a little box of chocolate creme-filled donuts. The morning of the test, I ate them ALL with an excellent cup of coffee. Later, test results supported my theory re. the importance of facing life's difficult situations properly tooled-up.

Sunday, 7 August 2005 - 11:22 BST

Name: Tessa

What a great idea! Will definitely treat myself to some, especially as I mustn't eat or drink anything after midnight.

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