The Badge and Armband
of the
Belgian Secret Army
I had not been able to make out exactly what was contained within the inverted triangle carved on the granite plaque commemorating the bravery of Marthe Janssen-Leyder - an active member of the Belgian Secret Army during World War II. So I was very excited when I came across a Website showing this symbol as a Lion's Head and describing it as the arm badge of the Belgian Secret Army.
I am very grateful to Monsieur Claude Marchal, the Former Curator of a disbanded International Police Museum and the Administrator of several Websites, for his permission to use this symbol and the others reproduced here. He informed me that the Lion and the Lion Head is a traditional emblem in Belgium and pointed out that the colours used are those of the Belgian Flag.
Belgian Secret Army
Armband and Badge
Belgian Secret Army
At last I have visited Eisden and the house where Marthe lived and where my cousins live today. I must admit it had not occurred to me that they lived in the same house as they had moved back to Eisden after living in Antwerp for many years. Well, how could I have known that, at some time in the past, 'Dorpstraat' was renamed 'Langstraat' and all the houses renumbered! Anyway, I was delighted to be able to photograph the plaque as it is today and this 'zoom' onto the lion head symbol shows much more clearly its relationship to the armband above.
Detail from the Commemorative Plaque
[Photo taken 7th July 2002]
Examples of Other Military,
Gendarmerie and Police Insignia
using the same symbol
Helmet Badge of the
Belgian Gendarmerie Helmet,
model 1931
This Lion Helmet Back appears
on many military, gendarmerie
and police insignia.
Arm Patch
Belgian Provost in Korea
More Examples of Badges
Using the Lion Symbol
Embroidered Badge
for Members of PVC (Provinciale Verkeerseenheden)
or Provincial Traffic Units (Highway Police) in Jabbeke
Military Patch
worn on sweatshirts by Gendarmes
having succeeded with the military sport brevet
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If you clicked on the inverted triangle on the page
describing the Plaque, this link will return you to where you were

PLEASE VISIT The Sites Administered by M. Claude Marchal:
[The links below will open in a new window. Close the window to return to this page].
[click on 'Gendarmerie' and 'To My Father' to find the references to the Secret Army]
Copyright © 2001-2005 Tessa Steer / Badges Copyright © Claude Marchal
All Rights Reserved Worldwide