Floral Tributes
At the Funeral of
Marthe Marie Elisabeth Janssen-Leyder
Deceased 10th November 1946
Interred 16th November 1946 at New Southgate Cemetery (Northern London)
Click on the music notes to listen to Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor [60 KB - 5.58 mins]
The War Office:
“In memory of a devoted helper who rendered assistance to the Allied airmen.”
The Comrades of the Croydon Air Force Association:
“With deepest sympathy.”
Central and South Croydon Branch - British Legion:
“To the everlasting memory of a faithful and courageous friend and ally.”
The Royal Air Force Escaping Society:
“With deepest sympathy and gratitude from the members of the Royal Air Force Escaping Society.”
The R.A.F. Boys to Whom She Gave Assistance:
“The many to whom you gave succour and assistance to return home salute you, dear Lady. To the bereaved, our deepest sympathy. They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old. Age shall not wear them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them.”
Wreath from Husband:
“A ma bien aimée Marthe - René”
Cross from Daughter and Son-in-Law, Mr and Mrs Hubert Van Hecke:
“To my beloved mother in proud and loving memory of all she has always meant to me:
Although through this cruel separation you will be far from me
Your sweet memory in my heart will always be.
Your loving daughter, Yvonne”
“Avec toutes mes affectueuses pensées.
Votre cher beau fils, Hubert”
Wreath from Brother and Sister-in-Law, Mr and Mrs Marcel Leyder:
“To our dear Sister in loving remembrance. Our grief is great, but our thoughts, dear one, will always be with you.”
Chaplet from Nieces, the Misses Leyder:
“In proud and loving remembrance of our dear Aunt Marthe, from her English nieces.
For ever in our thoughts. Marie-Claire, Maud, Janine, Pauline, Tessa.”
Cushion from Mr F Van Hecke, Mr and Mrs Shute:
“To dear Marthe with our deepest love and admiration for her great courage. Ferdy, Arthur, Kitty.”
Cross from Major and Mrs Biddlecombe, Peggy and Sonia:
“In ever loving memory from Clement, Elsie, Peggy and Sonia. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”
Flowers from Mrs Alice Baker:
“In deepest sympathy and heartfelt gratitude for her great sacrifice. Mrs A Baker”
Flowers from Mr and Mrs Endacott:
“With deepest sympathy from Olive and Jack Endacott”
Marcel Leyder with his niece Yvonne Van Hecke
 at the Graveside [Grave No. 139. L.]
Do not stand at my grave and weep...
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow,
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am the birds that sing,
I am in each gentle thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry...
I am not there, I did not die...
Original Version by Mary E. Frye (1932)
Copyright © 2001-2005 Tessa Steer (Leyder) / Van Hecke Family - All Rights Reserved Worldwide